

Sienna/ Piazza del Campo



A Tale of Resilience and Hope
Heide and I have been inseparable since 1998, our love story blossoming into a beautiful family when we became parents for the first time in 2005. Like many couples, we immersed ourselves in our careers, caught in the familiar cycle of work, eat, Sleep, repeat. Our days were filled with the joyful chaos of school runs, soccer mom duties, trips to the cinema, cycling adventures, and hill walking. We were happy, living life to the fullest without realizing how quickly everything could change.
2016 arrived like a thunderbolt, altering our lives forever. A severe brain hemorrhage struck me down, involuntarily pulling us from the life we knew. Suddenly, I couldn't work, and simple tasks like tying my shoelaces or taking care of personal hygiene became insurmountable challenges. We needed to make a plan, and fast.
Heide, my rock and constant companion, made the difficult decision to sacrifice her beloved career with the airline to become my full-time caregiver. the job description didn't exist, so she created her own, taking on responsibilities we once shared. In a nutshell, she now does everything - a testament to her strength, love, and dedication.
This has been our reality since 2016. The journey hasn't been easy, but it has shown us the depth of our resilience and the power of our bond. Now, we find ourselves at another crossroads, needing help to move forward.
As we look to the future, I'm filled with determination. I plan to keep myself busy learning, which will bolster my self-confidence and sense of worth. Education isn't just about acquiring knowledge; it's about reclaiming a part of myself and discovering new ways to contribute to society. I'm also committed to finding ways to give back to Heide and all those who have supported us on this challenging journey.
Currently, I can't walk more than 10 meters without assistance, but I remain optimistic that things will change. Our home, once a haven, is now unsuitable for my situation. But having recognized this hurdle, we're in a position to take action and mitigate the difficulties we face.
We're not just looking for a new house; we're searching for a home that will accommodate my needs and allow me to pursue my educational goals. This move represents more than a change of address - it's a step towards greater independence for me and a chance for Heide to reclaim some aspects of her life beyond caregiving.
Our story is far from over. While the past years have been marked by unexpected challenges, they've also revealed the incredible strength of our love and the resilience of the human spirit. We face the future with hope, knowing that each day brings new possibilities for growth, learning, and positive change.
We will find a solution. We will adapt, overcome, and continue to write our story - one of love, perseverance, and unwavering hope. As we embark on this new chapter, we're grateful for the support of our community and excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. Together, Heide and I are ready to face whatever comes our way, transforming our challenges into stepping stones towards a brighter future.